Can CBD Improve Your Sex Life? Here’s the Advice from the Owner of The Good Budz

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Can CBD Improve Your Sex Life? Here’s the Advice from the Owner of The Good Budz

the good budz cbd oil

When founding a start-up, it has been difficult for me to find time to eat, sleep, keep fit, maintain a social life or relationship. If things hadn’t worked out the way they did, I would’ve been in a position where I’d tell you not to ask me about treating myself to a sex life. I would likely given up trying to enjoy it due to stress and exhaustion

I imagine comparing this stage of my life to the stress of taking exams in high school, writing a dissertation in university or possibly even having children. Any all-consuming experience where 99% of your life unknowingly takes the backseat with faith that it will all be worth it one day. Unfortunately, time is only thing that can’t be mustered up by magic when more is needed and that means basic human needs are neglected.

Why I didn’t say Bye Bye to my sex life

My story begins a few years back when I lived in the states, I experimented like all students do and became a big fan of Marijuana. I would smoke or vape with my friends regularly and it became a staple part of my life during those years. During this period, many things improved in my life but something I hadn’t expected was just how much my sex life would develop. A consequence of this experimenting came a new outlook on my sex life – where my usual expectation of disappointment flipped, and now sex held a great potential.

The thing about the weed that I smoked was that it was high in THC, and this was all we looked for – flowers with the highest THC for the least money. We believed the best highs were those where the weed was the strongest, and for the most part I guess that was true. To us, high THC content meant that any activity you partake in would be much more enjoyable, hilarious and satisfying. The main reason being the psychoactive effects of THC created a subtlety different outlook on the world.

I would look out for the strains which people had linked to amazing sex and funnily enough, the strains that were known for enabling great sex didn’t always have high THC content but I thought no further about it at the time and just got on with it.

Skip forward to my move home to England when I started my first real job and very quickly realised that my new found smoking habbits were not going to last long in the world of corporate working! This meant that the expectations of my sex life reverted back to being that of disappointment. Combine that with the stress and anxiety of my new job and my diminishing youth and poof, I believed the best times had passed and my sex life was gone forever.

My knight in shining armour

the good budz cbd oil

CBD weed, marijuana light, hemp flowers, or whatever variation you would like to call it… Essentially, it’s legal, doesn’t get you ‘high’ but it still makes you relaxed, confident, horny and it most definitely brought back the amazing sex life I wanted to maintain!

I happened to stumble across this as I was living with someone who worked for a CBD company. He found out I used to smoke a lot and suggested if I wanted to try something that wasn’t street weed, he could definitely get me something. After being pretty sceptical, I gave it a go and soon realised the good feeling was back.

I felt motivation to tell everyone I knew that something LEGAL can create such an amazing improvement to their lives. What I’d been introduced to is actually called Hemp and it is not what people know as marijuana – it’s a totally different plant!

What is Hemp?

I did my research and realised that Hemp isn’t a new thing – it is sold globally in other industries, pharmaceutical, industrial and it’s actually such a strong material that they use it to make rope! Hemp happens to have high CBD content and trace amounts of THC. This discovery meant that many companies could get hold of hemp and create concentrates of CBD for other products! Mind blown, I decided to try everything I could – CBD oils, CBD vape juice, CBD sweets and I continued to find more and more interesting CBD flower strains.

I soon realised that CBD was the answer to many peoples life problems – from consumers reporting health and well being improvements from CBD fixing general anxiety to CBD replacing morphine for pain management. I knew there was something to look into here and got excited by the prospect of starting my own company and spreading the message!

The Good Budz, my baby.

the good budz
The Good Budz

After getting involved in the industry through my company, The Good Budz (where I began selling natural hemp flowers rich in CBD, CBG, CBC), I started engaging more with the community. I found many people had searched for ways to improve general well-being using CBD. I found that most commonly, consumers purchase CBD oil and pop a few drops under their tongue each day!

The simplicity of dropping a couple drops of oil under your tongue to relieve daily stress/anxiety was too good to be true to me. Unfortunately, I’ve heard that companies are selling ‘CBD oils’ which are actually just hemp seed oil and although the name sounds convincing, it doesn’t actually contain any cannabinoids. Due to lack of regulation or testing, no one is questioning it… Even Holland and Barrett are rumoured to sell CBD oil which has barely any Cannabinoid content. Crazy, I know.

The idea of this simple and effective CBD miracle drove me crazy and I wanted to create a product I could trust… so I decided to use the high quality CBD hemp flowers that The Good Budz already sold and create a high quality CBD Oil which I knew the exact content of and could see if the effects as great as promised. They were.

My company, The Good Budz, now sell this CBD oil in three different strengths to cater for peoples tolerance levels and we are super proud to say that we share our content on each bottle so everyone knows what cannabinoids they are getting. Funnily enough, the other cannabinoids – CBC, CBG and CBN are each as valuable as CBD

Breakdown of the contents and the potential health benefits:


Associated with anxiety & pain relief, linked to improving acne, insomnia and symptoms of menopause and cancer.


Could as as an anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Potential to contribute to the regeneration of brain cells, positively impacting treatments of multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, dementia, alzheimer and other related conditions


Shows potential to prevent nerve degeneration, as well as having antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

It seems a no-brainer that cannabinoids enhance lifestyles and have potential to take a disappointing sex life and turn it into something amazing. I think there is still this stigma around the word cannabinoids and this is slowly changing in the UK as people become more familiarised and aware of the benefits.

I know that the full spectrum oils and natural hemp flowers that we sell is reaching others and helping to change this perception. We have also just launched our amazing cannabinoid edible range and feedback of people ‘indulging’ in CBD edibles prior to sex is really what makes it worth all the effort.

Everyone has heard that a woman needs to feel relaxed and comfortable in order to enjoy sex… somewhat of a skill in today’s society. A quick solution could be the use of cannabinoids to take away self-doubt or anxieties and finally relax and enjoy the moment. A few drops of CBD oil has allowed me to feel exactly like my usual self but without self-doubt and anxiety and for me CBD is the key to realising and maintaining your sexual potential, both alone and with partners.

Try it for yourself, I promise it’s worth it <3

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